Shane Lowney - A Few Examples of Mechanical Engineering Certifications
Shane Lowney is a mechanical engineer with 14 years of experience. Since he graduated from the Florida Institute of Technology in 2001, Lowney has worked for Under the Bridge Engineering, designing and crafting mechanical parts for many different clients throughout Tampa Bay. Lowney has worked hard to give himself a chance of succeeding in the engineering industry by picking up a few of the following mechanical engineering certifications:
- Facilities Engineering. This specialization focuses on buildings and specialized structures made for one or two specific purposes, such as factories or laboratories.
- Fire Prevention. Earning a certification from the National Fire Prevention Association makes an engineer an expert in preventing damage from fire in enclosed spaces. Shane Lowney earned certification for fire prevention a year after he graduated from FIT.
- Green Building Certification. A relatively new but increasingly important engineering certification, green building experts design and craft structures that make the most of natural energy sources such as sunlight and others. Shane Lowney earned this certification three years after graduating from FIT.
- Project Management. For prospective leaders in the engineering private or public sector, engineers can get certified in project management. This certification ensures that they can manage teams of other engineers to create engineering solutions.