A Brief Explanation of Engineering Featuring Shane Lowney

Engineering is a broad term used to describe the application of empirical evidence, math, and economic, social, scientific, and practical knowledge. This application is then further used to design, build, and maintain machines, systems, structures, and processes. The term itself can be dated back to 1300.

As a discipline, Engineering encompasses an array of specialized fields with different emphases on specific areas of applied science and technology.  Shane Lowney is a graduate of the Florida Institute of Technology (FIT) who garnered a degree in Mechanical Engineering. Shane specializes in designing and manufacturing weapon systems, transportation products, and engines.

Other branches of Engineering include Chemical, Civil, Electrical, and Systems.  These are just a few of the main categories. Engineering as a whole has an extensive list of sub-disciplines derived from extensions of the main branches.

There is also typically an overlap between Engineering and Science. Both of these applications will often borrow practices from one another. For example, Scientists incorporate Engineering when building prototypes. Similarly, Engineers utilize Science while exploring new phenomena for technological development.

Throughout the years there have been many notable individuals in this ever expanding field. Leonardo DaVinci, Nicola Tesla, Steve Wozniak, and Elon Musk are a mere fraction of the great minds associated with Engineering.

Shane Lowney is a second generation Engineer living in Tampa, Florida with his wife Christine. Christine is also in her own respective area of the field. Together the two share a passion for all things related to Science and Technology.

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