The Unsung Heroes - Engineers

One of the first things you will see at a store is their front display. However, the actual first thing you will see at a store is the exterior. You will see the design of the building, the large sign and usually an accompanying logo. When a person looks at the average building, he or she is looking for the sign and logo. This is because people are looking for a particular thing, and when that thing fits what they need, that is one of the only things they will see. 

Architecture is something that almost everyone forgets about unless they enjoy the art. It is like background music in a movie: it fades into the picture and is usually unnoticeable unless you are listening to it. Engineers operate in a world of background music. They made the pieces for the space shuttles, they create engines that run off of hybrid power, and they constructed the tallest buildings in the world. People look at impressive mechanical and architectural feats and think of those as the accomplishments of the human race. They forget that every city with a major plumbing and sewage system complete with electrical wiring, cable, telephone service and high-speed internet, is an accomplishment of our entire race.

Shane Lowney has contributed as a mechanical engineer for about ten years and has spent all that time building things that almost no one will notice, yet many people will use. Engineers are unsung heroes who make our daily lives easier.

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