Shane Lowney - The Top Three Reasons to Move to Tampa, Florida

Shane Lowney was born and raised in Tampa, Florida and lives there now with his wife, Christine. He works as a mechanical engineer for a local factory, helping to manage their heavy machinery by ensuring that it is properly operated, up-to-date, and in good repair. He also designs mechanisms for other companies to use in their own operations. He loves Tampa and, unlike many other proud residents of other towns around the United States, wants others to move to his town to see what life is like there. Here are the top three reasons why Lowney recommends living in Tampa:

The outdoors. Tampa has lush foliage, complete with palm trees and spectacular beaches. There is also an abundance of rivers, lakes, and whispering streams to dip your feet in when the salty water becomes too much.

The weather. Protected by Tampa Bay, the city of Tampa has excellent average temperatures all year. Shane Lowney works with farmers who love the fact that it only freezes a few times a year. A steady Gulf breeze keeps temperatures below 90 degrees for the most part.

Entertainment. Tampa always comes up on tours from some of the best performers in the world from many musical acts and genres, as well as dance companies, and comedy acts. There is always a great act to see in Tampa whenever you’re in town.

Shane Lowney loves his live in Tampa and loves to see people moving to Tampa and taking advantage of everything it has to offer.

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