
Showing posts from September, 2015

Be Smart About Efficiency

Efficiency is something desired in every field. No matter what you are doing, if you can complete your task quicker and with a higher quality than everyone else, you will be successful. This is true in theory, but in practice things can go the other direction. Sometimes you alienate the other employees or even management and end up with a worse result than if you just worked less hard. An important thing to remember about efficiency is that it is not always the primary goal. Here are a few tips: Being efficient is important to the point where you are still normal. The second you cross to the other side and act like a robot that only tries to be more efficient, you lose out on the social aspects of your job. This can turn around and bite you in the back later on. Never offer help when it is unwanted. This might seem intuitive, but a lot of people do it. Offering unsolicited help can be annoying and usually creates friction in the work environment. Avoid drama. Drama can be a fas...

Traveling and Things You Should Consider

Traveling is hard for some people and easy for others. Many people enjoy a certain amount of traveling, but it also exhausts some. As with most things, a healthy balance must exist to make traveling a worthwhile activity. Many people enjoy going on road trips over the weekend and doing little activities such as camping or hiking. Some people would prefer to go abroad and find new places far away from where they live. Here are a few things people should consider when planning a trip: What are you traveling for? Is there somewhere or someone or something you want to see? Is there an experience you are looking for in particular? Knowing exactly what you wish to get out of a trip can be helpful. Where do you want to go? Sometimes this question is difficult to answer, and people don’t have any definite idea of where they want to go. Many people hope to go to Europe, but don’t realize it would take a year or two to tour all of that land. What do you want to do there? S...

The Unsung Heroes - Engineers

One of the first things you will see at a store is their front display. However, the actual first thing you will see at a store is the exterior. You will see the design of the building, the large sign and usually an accompanying logo. When a person looks at the average building, he or she is looking for the sign and logo. This is because people are looking for a particular thing, and when that thing fits what they need, that is one of the only things they will see.  Architecture is something that almost everyone forgets about unless they enjoy the art. It is like background music in a movie: it fades into the picture and is usually unnoticeable unless you are listening to it. Engineers operate in a world of background music. They made the pieces for the space shuttles, they create engines that run off of hybrid power, and they constructed the tallest buildings in the world. People look at impressive mechanical and architectural feats and think of those as the accomplishme...